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This page is devoted to reporting, providing users with valuable data across various facets of the system. The following is a breakdown of all report categories along with their corresponding data.

Reports Dashboard.

Within this panel, users can select and analyze various reporting criteria. The following sections will provide a detailed exploration of each of these criteria.

Production Hours

Production Hours
Production Hours

This reporting category centers on the machines’ production hours and time measurements, offering detailed insights into the periods when they were operational and actively engaged in production. The subsequent sections will thoroughly overview the above dashboard and its associated functions.

Data Mode Selection

Data Mode Selection Pop-Up

This pop-up addresses the type of data presented for analysis, covering five main categories as listed above. The following descriptions provide clarity on each of the displayed categories.

  • Measured – The amount of time that the sensors measured for the machine in production
  • Reported – The amount of time that is being reported for production.
  • Measured / Reported – This Metric reports on how much time in percentage has been measured by the sensors against the reported time.
  • Scheduled – How much time is the machine expected to produce? These are the hours that are reported in this category.
  • Measured / Scheduled – This Metric reports on how much time in peracetate has been measured by the sensor against the scheduled production time.

Filter Menu

This section aims to explore each component within the filter menu thoroughly, enhancing user convenience by offering a detailed understanding of the specific data parameters being searched for and selected.

Machine Selection
Machine Selection Button
Machine Selection Dropdown

This filter empowers users to select either all machines or a specific machine from their roster, streamlining the retrieval of operational hours for the chosen machine in question.

Shift Selection

Shift Selection Button
Shift Selection Dropdown

This section filters out each shift that necessitates tracking, providing predefined cut shifts for application. These cut shifts assist in refining the data to display the production hours for each machine.

Threshold Filter
Threshold Filter

This filter empowers users to set a threshold for the number of hours a machine has produced, streamlining data filtration to exclude hours beyond the defined threshold.

Time Filter
Time Filter
Time Filter Pop-Up

This filter facilitates the setting of dates for the representation of data. Users can modify the start and end dates, displaying only the dataset within that specified timeframe for all the designated machines.

Per Week Filter
Per Week Filter

This filter assists in identifying machines that surpass a specified number of production hours per week. It provides insights into which machines are actively producing and the corresponding production volume every week.

Mode Filter
Mode Filter
Mode Filter Dropdown

This filter is designed to select the mode of data that needs to be searched, encompassing all the options mentioned above for users to tailor their data search based on specific criteria.

Status Filter
Status Filter
Status Filter Dropdown

This filter facilitates the search for machines with a specific status, aiding in the targeted identification of machines for troubleshooting purposes. The dropdown includes all machine and operator states, enabling users to select and filter based on a specific state.

Download Report
Download Report Function

This function enables the download of the selected and filtered report using the previously mentioned filters. The information will be exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, allowing users to open it in MS Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Scroll Buttons
Data Scroll Buttons

These two left and right buttons are employed to navigate through the report and traverse all the machines included in the report. The functionality may vary based on the number of machines added to the roster.


Production Hours Dashboard

This concludes the detailed overview of the dashboard, systematically described from left to right.

Reporting Date & Day Section
Reporting Date Production Hours Report

This section emphasizes the reporting dates, highlighting the starting and ending dates as selected in the filter. In the absence of explicit user-defined settings, the default reporting period will encompass the last seven days of production hours. Additionally, this section specifies the day for the machine production hours.

Machine Hours Data Section
Reporting Machine Production Hours

This section lists machines on the X-axis and the production hours, day, and date of the time consumed on the Y-axis. The yellow line is the cumulative hours of the previous week for the machine in question.

Total Hours Section
Bottom Total Hours Section

This section sequentially displays the total production hours of machines from left to right, providing a comprehensive overview of all machines in the dashboard and the corresponding production completed within the allotted time.

Production Measurement

Production Measurement Reports

Data Mode Selection

Data Mode Selection Pop-Up

This pop-up deals with what type of data is being displayed for analysis. This deals with five main categories as listed above. Here is a description of all the categories on display.

  • Measured – The amount of production the sensors measured for the machine in the selected time.
  • Reported – The amount of production that is being reported for the time selected.
  • Measured / Reported – This Metric reports on how much percentage of production is measured by the sensors against the reported production.
  • Scheduled – How much production is the machine expected to produce? This is the amount of production that is reported in this category.
  • Measured / Scheduled – This metric reports on how much peracetate production has been measured by the sensor against the scheduled production amount.
Machine Selection Button
Machine Selection Dropdown

This filter empowers users to select all machines or a specific machine from their roster, streamlining the retrieval of the production amount for the chosen machine.

Shift Selection

Shift Selection Button
Shift Selection Dropdown

This section filters out each shift that necessitates tracking, providing predefined cut shifts for application. These cut shifts assist in refining the data to display the production for each machine.

Threshold Filter
Threshold Filter

This filter empowers users to set a threshold for the amount of production a machine has produced, streamlining data filtration to exclude hours beyond the defined threshold.

Time Filter
Time Filter
Time Filter Pop-Up

This filter facilitates the setting of dates for the representation of data. Users can modify the start and end dates, displaying only the dataset within that specified timeframe for all the designated machines.

Per Week Filter
Per Week Filter

This filter assists in identifying machines that surpass a specified amount of production per week. It provides insights into which machines are actively producing and the corresponding production volume every week.

Mode Filter
Mode Filter
Mode Filter Dropdown

This filter is designed to select the mode of data that needs to be searched, encompassing all the options mentioned above for users to tailor their data search based on specific criteria.

Status Filter
Status Filter
Status Filter Dropdown

This filter facilitates the search for machines with a specific status, aiding in the targeted identification of machines for troubleshooting purposes. The dropdown includes all machine and operator states, enabling users to select and filter based on a specific state.

Download Report
Download Report Function

This function enables the download of the selected and filtered report using the previously mentioned filters. The information will be exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, allowing users to open it in MS Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Scroll Buttons
Data Scroll Buttons

These two left and right buttons are employed to navigate through the report and traverse all the machines included in the report. The functionality may vary based on the number of machines added to the roster.


Production Measurement Dashboard

This concludes the detailed overview of the dashboard, systematically described from left to right.

Reporting Date & Day Section
Reporting Date Production Report

This section emphasizes the reporting dates, highlighting the starting and ending dates as selected in the filter. Without explicit user-defined settings, the default reporting period will encompass the last seven days of production. Additionally, this section specifies the day for the machine production.

Machine Production Data Section
Reporting Machine Production

This section lists machines on the X-axis and the production, day, and date of the time consumed on the Y-axis. The yellow line is the cumulative hours of the previous week for the machine in question.

Total Production Section
Bottom Total Production Section

This section sequentially displays the total production of machines from left to right, providing a comprehensive overview of all machines in the dashboard and the corresponding production completed within the allotted time.

Production Summary

Production Summary Reports

This filter empowers users to observe the overall production of the entire system. It also allows users to identify the employees operating specific machines, along with details such as the job number and shift they are currently assigned to.

This section filters out each shift that necessitates tracking, providing predefined cut shifts for application. These cut shifts assist in refining the data to display the production for each employee.

Time Filter
Time Filter
Time Filter Pop-Up

This filter facilitates the setting of dates for the representation of data. Users can modify the start and end dates, displaying only the dataset within that specified timeframe for all the designated employees.

Download Report
Download Report Function

This function enables the download of the selected and filtered report using the previously mentioned filters. The information will be exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, allowing users to open it in MS Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Scroll Buttons
Data Scroll Buttons

These two left and right buttons are employed to navigate through the report and traverse all the machines included in the report. The functionality may vary based on the number of machines added to the roster.


Production Summary Dashboard

This concludes the detailed overview of the dashboard, systematically described from left to right.

Reporting Date
Date Report

This section emphasizes the reporting dates, highlighting the starting and ending dates as selected in the filter. Without explicit user-defined settings, the default reporting period will encompass the last seven days of hours. Additionally, this section specifies the day for the machine production.

Production Summary Data Section
Reporting Production Summary

This section lists different production tracking variables, including Shift, Employee, Machine, Part Number, and Job Number, on the X-axis. The Y-axis represents the date.

Employee Summary

Employee Summary Reports
Employee Filter Employee Summary
Employee Selection Dropdown

This filter empowers users to select all employees or a specific employee from their roster, streamlining the retrieval of the employee hours for the chosen employee.

Shift Selection

Shift Selection Button
Shift Selection Dropdown

This section filters out each shift that necessitates tracking, providing predefined cut shifts for application. These cut shifts assist in refining the data to display the hours for each employee.

Threshold Filter
Threshold Filter

This filter empowers users to set a threshold for the number of hours an employee has produced, streamlining data filtration to exclude hours beyond the defined threshold.

Time Filter
Time Filter
Time Filter Pop-Up

This filter facilitates the setting of dates for the representation of data. Users can modify the start and end dates, displaying only the dataset within that specified timeframe for all the designated employees.

Per Week Filter
Per Week Filter

This filter assists in identifying employees who surpass a specified amount of hours per week. It provides insights into which employees are actively working every week.

Mode Filter
Mode Filter
Mode Filter Dropdown

This filter is designed to select the mode of data that needs to be searched, encompassing all the options mentioned above for users to tailor their data search based on specific criteria.

Download Report
Download Report Function

This function enables the download of the selected and filtered report using the previously mentioned filters. The information will be exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, allowing users to open it in MS Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Scroll Buttons
Data Scroll Buttons

These two left and right buttons are employed to navigate through the report and traverse all the machines included in the report. The functionality may vary based on the number of machines added to the roster.


Employee Hours Dashboard

This concludes the detailed overview of the dashboard, systematically described from left to right.

Reporting Date & Day Section
Date Report

This section emphasizes the reporting dates, highlighting the starting and ending dates as selected in the filter. Without explicit user-defined settings, the default reporting period will encompass the last seven days of hours. Additionally, this section specifies the day for the machine production.

Employee Hours Data Section
Reporting Employee Hours

This section lists employees on the X-axis and the hours, day, and date on the Y-axis. The yellow line is the cumulative hours of the previous week for the machine in question.

Total Production Section
Bottom Total Employee hours Section

This section sequentially displays the total production of machines from left to right, providing a comprehensive overview of all machines in the dashboard and the corresponding production completed within the allotted time.

Delivery Status

Delivery Status Reports

Data Mode Selection

Delivery Mode

This pop-up deals with what type of data is being displayed for analysis. This deals with five main categories as listed above. Here is a description of all the categories on display.

  • Outstanding Orders – The Data will represent the outstanding orders in que and in production.
  • Ready to Ship (RTS) – The Data will represent the order that are ready to ship and sent to customer.
PO Selection Button
PO Selection Button Dropdown

This filter empowers users to select all purchase orders or a specific purchase order from the roster, streamlining the retrieval of the purchase orders.

Unit Selection Button
Unit Selection Dropdown

This section filters the units in which the PO is being tracked on either being the number of pieces it has or the revenue it will be bringing on.

Completed Filter
Completed Button
Completed Button Dropdown

This filter empowers users to see the status of the delivery either being incomplete or complete. This also empowers the user to see all of the deliveries as well.

Time Filter
Time Filter
Time Filter Pop-Up

This filter facilitates the setting of dates for the representation of data. Users can modify the start and end dates, displaying only the dataset within that specified timeframe for all the designated machines.

Per Week Filter
Units Per Week Filter

This filter assists in identifying purchase orders that surpass a specified amount of production per week. It provides insights into the corresponding production volume every week.

Download Report
Download Report Function

This function enables the download of the selected and filtered report using the previously mentioned filters. The information will be exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, allowing users to open it in MS Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Scroll Buttons
Data Scroll Buttons

These two left and right buttons are employed to navigate through the report and traverse all the machines included in the report. The functionality may vary based on the number of machines added to the roster.


Delivery Status Dashboard

This concludes the detailed overview of the dashboard, systematically described from left to right.

Reporting Date & Day Section
Reporting Date Production Report

This section emphasizes the reporting dates, highlighting the starting and ending dates as selected in the filter. Without explicit user-defined settings, the default reporting period will encompass the last seven days of production. Additionally, this section specifies the day for the machine production.

Delivery Status Data Section
Reporting Machine Production

This section provides data for the expected delivery date and the quantity of pieces in the order.

Future Cashflow

Future Cashflow Reports
PO Selection Button
PO Selection Button Dropdown

This filter empowers users to select all purchase orders or a specific purchase order from the roster, streamlining the retrieval of the purchase orders.

Time Filter
Time Filter
Time Filter Pop-Up

This filter facilitates the setting of dates for the representation of data. Users can modify the start and end dates, displaying only the dataset within that specified timeframe for all the designated purchase orders..

Download Report
Download Report Function

This function enables the download of the selected and filtered report using the previously mentioned filters. The information will be exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format, allowing users to open it in MS Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.

Scroll Buttons
Data Scroll Buttons

These two left and right buttons are employed to navigate through the report and traverse all the Purchase orders included in the report. The functionality may vary based on the number of purchase orders added to the roster.


Future Cashflow Dashboard

This concludes the detailed overview of the dashboard, systematically described from left to right.

Reporting Date & Day Section
Reporting Date Future Cash Report

This section emphasizes the reporting dates, highlighting the due and net dates as selected in the filter. In the absence of explicit user-defined settings, the default reporting period will encompass the last seven days of production. It also includes the net date of the purchase order and the due date of the purchase order to indicate when it is expected to be fulfilled.

Delivery Status Data Section
Amount Future Cashflow Report

This section provides data for the amount of the purchase order (PO) and the total value of the production produced.

Table of Contents